Electrical Installation – Level 1

The CVQ Level 1 in Electrical Installation is for individuals whose electrical role requires well
developed behavioural competencies but whose scope for independent decision making and for
bringing about change is unlimited.
They are likely to be in roles where they are required:

  • Perform interactive workplace communication
  • Adhere to occupational health and safety requirements
  • Use graduated measuring devices, power tools and hand tools
  • Perform manual handling and lifting and housekeeping duties
  • Perform basic repair to electrical/ electronic apparatus
  • Install, terminate and connect electrical wiring
  • Disconnect and reconnect fixed wired electrical machinery, appliances and fixtures

Normally persons working at Level 1 should be able to competently carry out simple, complex and routine work activities and to collaborate with others through groups
and teams. The qualification covers competencies by providing services in Electrical Installation Level 1 such as being able to understand and carry out components of fabrication, machine handling, installation, maintenance repairs and diagnostic, business services, information technology and metalengineering
while a safe and hygienic manner.

Relevant occupations include:

  • Electrician Helper
  • Cable Puller

The holders of this qualification will demonstrate a range of personal presentations and demonstrations of team work skills and literacy skills. To achieve
this qualifications all core units must be achieved. Any elective completed will be awarded unit statement of competency.

Areas of training include the following:

  • Use graduated measuring devices
  • Use hand tools
  • Perform related computations – basic
  • Use Electrical/Electronics measuring devices
  • Mark off/out (general engineering)
  • Draw and interpret sketches and simple drawings
  • Perform manual handling and lifting
  • Perform housekeeping duties
  • Prepare for electrical conduits/wiring installation
  • Cut, bend and install electrical conduits
  • Install, terminate and connect electrical wiring
  • Disconnect and reconnect fixed wired electrical machinery, appliances and fixtures
  • Attach flexible cables & plugs to electrical machinery, appliances and fixtures
  • Perform manual soldering/de-soldering – electrical/electronics components

Length of Period of Training: Nine (6) months

School Fees

EC$250.00 (Per Term 3 months)

CVQ Fees

EC$350.00 (End Of Training)